Thank You Lubber Run Amphitheater Supporter
Post date: Oct 20, 2011 1:06:47 PM
Dear Lubber Run Amphitheater Supporter:
The summer season at Lubber Run Amphitheater may be a somewhat distant
memory. But the Lubber Run Amphitheater Foundation wanted to make
sure that the Arlington County Board knew we haven’t forgotten their
support and commitment to the amphitheater. On October 18, I attended a
County Board meeting to thank them, Arlington County Manager Barbara
Donellan and her staff, the community, and all of you – our wonderful
volunteers and supporters -- for bringing our beloved amphitheater
back to life. You can see a report of the meeting at:
This past summer’s shortened season was a tremendous success with
2,371 people attending the nine performances that were held. And to
show their appreciation and enthusiasm for our restored performance
venue, attendees left an unprecedented $2,286 at the “wishing well” to
support future performances.
So, what is next for the amphitheater? I want to assure you that the
Lubber Run Amphitheater Foundation is already hard at work preparing
for the 2012 season. An important element to expanding the types of
entertainment we can have at the amphitheater is getting the dressing
rooms rehabilitated. This summer, the county was not able to book any
performers that required costume changes, such as dance or theater
troupes. We asked the County Board to consider this capital
improvement for next year so we can expand paid performance options as
well as provide opportunities to local performers and community and
children’s groups.
As we work with the county to make sure we have a full season of great
entertainment next year, we’d like to hear from you. What local area
entertainers would you like to see at Lubber Run next year? Send your
ideas to
With concerns that the county’s budget for next year will continue to
be very tight, the Lubber Run Amphitheater Foundation made a
commitment to the county to try and raise funds and obtain
sponsorships for performances. The Foundation will be approaching
local businesses and others, and if you have ideas or can help, please
let us know at
To make contributing easier, we also created a fund through the
Arlington Community Foundation that allows tax-deductible donations to
be made right now for the amphitheater. To make a donation, mail a
check to the Arlington Community Foundation, 818 North Quincy Street,
Arlington, VA 22203 and be sure to put “Lubber Run Amphitheater Fund”
on the check in the memo line.
As the county moves forward on developing its 2013 capital and
operating budgets, your continued enthusiasm for the amphitheater will
be essential. We’ll be in touch to make sure your voices are heard at
the appropriate times, as we seek more funds from the county to
further repair the retaining walls, the roof of the stage that was
damaged by a tree this summer and perhaps even the bathrooms to make
them handicapped accessible.
Thank you for your commitment! Your continued support will help
ensure that next season at the amphitheater is even better.
Esther Bowring, Co-President
Lubber Run Amphitheater Foundation