September 13, 2022 Meeting Minutes
1. Call to order. Linda LeDuc, President pro-tempore called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM.
Welcome and introductions
Neighborhood News
Your questions/issues/concerns
Ms. LeDuc welcomed everyone and explained that she is filling in for the civic association as Ms. Cate Harrington has resigned the position of president of Arlington Mill Civic Association.
Ms. LeDuc reported on the vacancies at the Arlington Mill Civic Association.
During the meeting the role of membership was discussed. The membership coordinators are working together to increase participation from the residents of Arlington Mill.
2. Missing Middle Housing discussion
We briefly discussed the issue of “missing middle in Arlington”; we quickly concluded that this study doesn’t apply to our neighborhood.
Ms. LeDuc also reported that she was in communication with the park manager at Tyroll Hill Park. He reported that they replaced the bollard at the entrance of the park. It was suggested that he be invited to our next community meeting in November 2022.
3. We also discussed the Haven Apartments located in Arlington Mill. Their status as preserved affordable housing is still pending. Ms. LeDuc participated in the Historical Affairs and Landmark Review Board (HALRB) meeting on July 20, 2022 to discuss the issue of whether the county may designate the Haven Apartments as historical, which would mean that the property could never be redeveloped.
4. It was mentioned that the new construction at 7th Road South at South Greenbrier Street will build 40 townhouses. Contractors are undertaking site work in preparation for building construction. The townhouses are described as “high end” with garages. It is unknown who the builder is.
Janeth and Noreen will visit neighbors in the duplex area with flyers and information about the civic association. The goal is to build membership by giving people information about our association.
Depending on the response of old and new neighbors we will assess doing an activity at one of parks in person before the end of the year.
Our website is now outdated and working for anyone. We need to clarify with Cate and her husband if they are going to give access to manage it.
Our next meeting will be on NOVEMBER 15, 2022 at 7:00 pm. We hope to see you; this meeting was adjourned by Linda LeDuc at 8:05 pm.