1. Call to order. Linda LeDuc, President called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM on Zoom.
1. Welcome and introductions
2. Update on west end Pike mural
3. Report on September 9 neighborhood festival
4. Other - any items you wish to raise
· Ms. LeDuc asked members of the Arlington Mill board on the call to introduce themselves. Ms. Janet Valenzuela introduced herself as advocate helping parents in the community, Ms. Miriam Bolanos introduced herself as the secretary of AMCA. None of the other Board members were present during this meeting.
· Ms. LeDuc welcomed everyone and reported that she had contacted Ms. Angela Adams to follow up with the Palazzo Wall mural progress.
Ms. LeDuc noted that it would be nice to have a local artist do the mural. Ideally a few artists will submit proposals in a competitive process. But a plan needs to be developed. What will be the steps to get some artwork there? We could form a community committee to talk about the artwork. It would be a great opportunity for people to socialize and give us ideas about the type of mural they want to see.
o It was noted that we can apply for funds from the County as well as from the National Endowment for the Arts. A neighbor suggested that we might have the artists apply / compete for funds.
· We moved to talk about the recent Festival organized by the AMCA in conjunction with many organizations. Many people stated that it was a great event, and that there was phenomenal cooperation from the County. There were many County departments offering information on services and explaining what they do. Most of the departments had bilingual personnel and were able to interact with the residents of Arlington Mill, evident of the fact that Arlington Mill has many cultures in one small area of Arlington County.
· The Office of Sherrif Quiroz distributed snow cones and flyers about their upcoming events supported the event all day.
· Unfortunately, the weather didn’t cooperate; it was a rainy day. The children’s moon bounce had to be closed early due to the rain. Nevertheless, the music and prizes continued along with participation from residents under the gazebo. Flu shots were also offered to residents.
· It was noted that it was hard for the AMCA reps to talk to residents because their table was next to the DJ /music, and it was very loud. However, flyers were handed out to those that were interested.
· The AMCA handed out donated apples, from FT Valley Farm, as well as chips and candy to attendees.
· Prizes were given out during the raffle. Many people enjoyed themselves sharing experiences with neighbors.
· Ms. LeDuc proceeded to give information about E-care. It will be Saturday November 4 at Wakefield High School from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm
The Arlington Environmental Collection and Recycling Event (E-CARE) is a biannual environmentally friendly drop-off event at which residents can safely dispose of household hazardous materials (HHM) and old electronics. See the list of accepted materials by clicking on the link.
· Ms. LeDuc also announced that coffee with the police will take place on Wednesday, October 4th.
· Ms. LeDuc announced that members of the public can schedule Narcan training. The following is information from the County:
Arlington County is committed to reducing fatal overdoses in Arlington and offers multiple opportunities for community members to be trained in using the overdose-reversal drug Naloxone, also known as Narcan.
· A neighbor mentioned that noise around her residence at Columbia Pike and Frederick Street has been reduced since our last meeting.
· On October 17th Ms. LeDuc along with Ms. Bolanos and Ms. Valenzuela will meet with officers from the County Office of Engagement in Arlington Mill to talk about engaging more residents to participate in our civic association.
· Our next meeting, the final meeting of the year, will be November 21st.