Meetings 2024
Minutes Arlington Mill Civic Association
Tuesday March 19,2024
1. Call to order. Linda LeDuc, President, called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM on Zoom.
1. Welcome
2. Neighborhood News
3. Q&A
4. Adjourn
Ms. LeDuc updated the neighbors about the Columbia Pike Partnership meeting that she held with Mr. Andrew Schneider, who succeeded Kim Klingler, as Executive Director. Mr. Schneider is planning to continue the same good relations with the Pike Presidents (all the presidents from the civic associations). Items she discussed, included suggesting that CPP plan more activities at the West End of the Pike; helping to improve the types of businesses at Pike Plaza, encouraging the county to spread affordable housing in other parts of the county and not concentrate on the Pike; the desire to have artwork on the Palazzo wall; and the potential designation of the Haven Apts. as historical.
They want to revitalize the area and more businesses along the pike now that we will have new neighbors in the new buildings recently finished. Pop ups, art projects, clean up days etc.
During the meeting it was also informed that you can register your ring camera with the Arlington Police. This is optional if you want more information please see link below. You can become a public safety partner.
Deer Management Program
· This is a program that was launched last year and the most important goal of the program is to control the number of deer in the county. A survey showed that we had in this urban heavily dense area approximately 289 animals. They constantly eat all the foliage in our parks and the Parks department wants to control the population. If you want to read more about this topic please see link below.
Glencarlyn Library
· Arlington County’s draft 2025 budget proposes that this library, located close to our neighborhood on 300 S Kensington St, Arlington, VA 22204, reduce hours of operation and split the hours of one librarian between Glencarlyn and Cherrydale.
· Goodwill Building
· The proposal to re-develop the Goodwill building located on route 50 was approved by Arlington County. This new building will have a 128 affordable units and a child care center.
Arlington Mill Civic Association Elections May 21st 2024
· Ms. Miriam Bolaños who has been the secretary since September 2021 resigned her position with AMCA. The secretarial position will be open for election this May. Ms. Linda LeDuc congratulated her and said she did an excellent job all these years.
· Membership Coordinator: This position is also open for election, a bilingual person speaking English-Spanish will be a great asset for our efforts.
Please see the bylaws of the AMCA to find out what entails to volunteer with your community. Your participation is appreciated.
The FY2025 Budget for Arlington County is scheduled to be voted on April 20, if you have any concerns please visit the Arlington County Website. Here area couple of take aways from Mr. Chanda Chon who attended this meeting.
· Property taxes will increase, and every homeowner will pay an average of $600 more per year.
· Commercial property taxes will also be increased.
At the end of our meeting we had a presentation of our future neighbor Mr. Habid Sherdill who is planning to ask the county for permission to build his house next to the new townhouses on 8th Rd and S. Florida St. His piece of land is between the duplexes and the new townhouses. His family owned this piece of land since 1948 when this community was subdivided. He kindly showed his plans of this construction and he also mentioned that he spoke with the neighbors and all agreed to his plans. The only neighbor that didn’t approve his plans was the Merion Property developer of the new townhouses. Nevertheless, he will move forward to ask the county for a construction permit.
· Elections on May 21st will be held to choose a new secretary and membership coordinator for our Arlington Mill Civic Association (AMCA).
· Contact Wakefield High School to find out if students would like to do community hours by distributing cleanup day flyers in the duplex area.