Upcoming Programs for Parents
Post date: Sep 15, 2013 3:36:55 PM
Happy September! Check out these upcoming programs for parents. Feel free to share/post this email with other parents, caregivers, or colleagues in Arlington!
Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m.-12 noon. Clases Prenatales/Prenatal Class in Spanish. Prenatal classes in Spanish. Discutimos la nutricion, laboratorios, lactancia, cuidados de bebe, cambios fisiologicos durante el embarazo, y mas, incluyiendo un tur del hospital. Centro de Servicios Humanos, 2100 Washington Blvd., Lower Level. Gratis! Topics include nutrition, lab tests, lactation, physical changes during pregnancy, infant care, and more, including a tour of the hospital. Free. Para mas informacion, llame a Wilma Arrazola al 703/228-1548.
Project Family Infant and Early Childhood Classes/Clases preescolares para padres y niños. Classes for parents and their infants (0-12 months) or toddlers (13 months-5 years old) that include Circle Time, Reading, Exploring, Music, and Snack. Project Family supports parents as their child's first teacher through modeling and parenting skill development and prepares children for school. Offered in English, Spanish, or bilingually. Free. Classes begin September 9 at various locations throughout Arlington, including Arlington Mill Community Center, Harvey Hall Community Center, Gates of Ballston Community Center, Hoffman-Boston Elementary School, Key Elementary School, Carlin Springs Elementary School, andClaremont Elementary School. On-site registration required; space is limited. Classes meet mornings or afternoons Monday-Saturday; schedules vary by site. For more information or for schedules at specific sites, contact 703/223-1549 or cfuentes@arlingtonva.us
Wednesday, Sept. 11. School's In: Making Special Education Work for Children and Youth with Mental Health Needs. Fall means new shoes, new notebooks, and for many of our families, new challenges. Participants in this webinar will learn strategies for making special education work for children and youth with mental health needs. Specific provisions and supports will be reviewed and examples of Individualized Education Program goals and supports will be shared. Monthly webinar series for anyone who cares about children and families, including parents and caregivers, advocates, and professionals. 12:00-1:00 p.m. Register today! Sponsored by the Virginia Family Network and NAMI.
Tuesday, Sept. 17. Lunch Bunch: Family Information Sessions. Lunch Bunch is a program for individuals with disabilities and their families. We share information to help navigate the complex disability systems. Informal and over your lunch hour. Bring your lunch and we will answer your questions. Noon-2 pm. The ARC of Northern Virginia, 98 N. Washington Street, Falls Church, VA 22046 RSVP required at info@thearcofnova.ogr or703/532-3214. Sponsored by the ARC of Northern Virginia, Austism Society Northern Virginia, and Down Syndrome Association of Northern Virginia.
Thursdays, Sept. 19, Sept. 26, and Oct. 3. Parenting Children Ages 1-4: 1,2,3,4 Parents! Is parenting your little one tougher than you thought it would be? 1,2,3,4 Parents can help! Come and learn discipline methods that work, how to prevent tantrums, routines that make life easier, and how to care for your child at different stages. 10:00-11:30 am. For parents of children ages 1-4. Free! Human Services Center at Sequoia, 2100 Washington Blvd., Lower Level. Childcare not available, but children are welcome to stay with parent. Register in advance atcfuentes@arlingtonva.us or 703/228-1551. Sponsored by the Arlington County DHS, Parent Education Program.
Saturday, September 21. Arlington Mill Community Center-Ribbon Cutting. Visit the new community center to learn about the recreational, social, and learning opportunities for all. Be sure to visit the Project Family program (Room 120) to learn about our parent education/early childhood classes for parents/caregivers and their children ages 0-5 years old. Learn more at Arlington Mill Opening. 909 S. Dinwiddie Street. 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Thursdays, September 26 – November 14. Strengthening Families Program (SFP)/Fortaleciendo la Familia. SFP is for all Arlington families with youth ages 10 to 14. It is a fun and engaging opportunity for families to join together and articulate their strengths and values, improve communication, discuss goal setting, stress, and appropriate consequences. Parallel sessions offered in English and Spanish. Williamsburg Middle School. 5:45-8:00 p.m. Catered dinner and childcare for children younger than 10 provided. For more information and to register please visithttp://StrengtheningFamiliesArlington.com or contact Jennifer Landis-Santos at 703/228-1108.
Thursday, October 10. Moving on to Life in the Community. This resource fair for students with disabilities of all ages will include vocational, residential, leisure, recreational, independent living and advocacy options for all individuals requiring ongoing employment and community support services after graduation. Please register online or call the Fairfax County Parent Resource Center at 703.204.3941. This event is co-sponsored by Fairfax County Public Schools, Arlington Public Schools, The Arc of Northern Virginia, Fairfax/Falls Church Community Services Board, and the Virginia Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services. 6:30-9:30 p.m. Lake Braddock Secondary School, 9200 Burke Lake Road, Burke, VA 22015. View flyer in English View flyer in Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Korean, Spanish, Vietnamese, Urdu