Tyrol Hills Park Playground Construction - Begins Oct 1 2015
Post date: Oct 4, 2015 10:47:43 PM
Dear Mr. Birch: I am writing on behalf of the Department of Parks and Recreation to inform you and the Columbia Heights West Civic Association, that a notice to proceed has been issued for October 1, 2015 and you should soon be seeing construction activity at the playground at Tyrol Hills Park. This project is being funded through the County’s Neighborhood Conservation Program. The project focuses on the playground redesign featuring new play equipment, a new picnic shelter and the accessibility at 5101 7th Street South which will all be implemented according to current playground safety guidelines and ADA standards. Construction is anticipated to begin early October 2015 with an anticipated completion in Winter 2016. Additional information can be found on the County’s web site at http://projects.arlingtonva.us/projects/tyrol-hills-park-columbia-heights-nc-park-improvementproject/ . I would appreciate it if you would share this information with your neighborhood. Should you have any questions or concerns during the construction, don’t hesitate to contact Tunji Akiwowo, County Project Construction Manager at 703.228.7926 or takiwowo@arlingtonva.us. Sincerely, Kathy von Bredow Arlington County DPR Park Development Division