Stream Clean Up & Stream Monitor Training - Sept Events
Post date: Sep 14, 2011 5:59:50 AM
Four Mile Run Stream Clean Up, September 17, 1 - 3 PM
Join us to clean up our local stream, Four Mile Run! Held in conjunction with the International Coastal Cleanup and Clean Virginia Waterways Day, join Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment (ACE) to collect and tally trash. Register to<> or 703-228-6406. Barcroft Park, 4200 S. Four Mile Run Drive, Arlington, VA.
Follow Up Watershed Planning Meeting:
Windy Run, Spout Run, Lubber Run and Doctor's Branch, Monday, September 19, 2011. 7:30 - 9 PM.
Little Theater, Washington-Lee High School, 1301 N. Stafford Street, Arlington, VA 22201
A study of opportunities to treat and reduce polluted runoff and protect our local streams within these watersheds has recently been completed. Learn about the completed study, identified projects, and opportunities to reduce pollution in these watersheds. For more information about the meeting and the watershed study, visit<> or contact Christin Jolicoeur at<> or 703-228-3588, TTY 703-228-4611.
Stream Monitor Training. Tuesday, September 20 from 7 - 9 PM.
Are you interested in learning more about Arlington's streams, and how healthy they are? Are you interested in volunteering and meeting others that share an interest in Arlington's streams? Attend this training to become a stream monitor volunteer! Stream monitors visit a monitoring site four times a year with their team, and collect data on the health and water quality of Arlington's streams. By collecting and identifying the aquatic insects in the stream, we can learn about the health of the stream. After attending the training, you will join a team to monitor a local stream monitoring site. Equipment is provided to each monitoring team.
During the training, prospective volunteers will spend the first hour learning how we measure stream water quality, and how to identify the different types of stream insects found in Arlington. During the second hour of the training, you'll have a chance to practice identifying stream bugs using preserved samples.
For more information, or to register for the training, please contact Jen McDonnell at<> or 703-228-3042.