Residents weigh-in on New Affordable Housing Study
Post date: Oct 6, 2012 5:35:19 PM
from: (Under One Roof: Arlington Housing Blog)
Around 70 interested Arlington residents and organization representatives participated in a public forum on September 22 to provide input on the direction of the Affordable Housing Study. Holly Bray, chair of the Housing Commission, and Mary Hynes, Chair of the Arlington County Board, and Marsha Allgeier, Deputy County Manager welcomed attendees and set the stage for the forum.
Residents were invited to get involved in the earliest stage of a three-year study on one of the most important issues facing our community – how to create and preserve affordable housing. Attendees participated in small break-out sessions and discussed questions that revolved around affordable housing needs, priorities and how to include the community in the Affordable Housing Study going forward.
Read the responses from the forum.