Possible New School on Kenmore / Carlin Springs Elementary Site
Post date: Apr 19, 2012 3:59:54 PM
Dear Neighbors and Partners of Columbia Heights West,
The School Board had started to narrow the list of possible locations for the construction of additional classroom space in their Capacity Planning process. They are focusing on Option D which includes a construction of a new choice elementary school building on the Kenmore Middle School / Carlin Springs Elementary site.
Glencarlyn Citizen's Association has raised several concerns with this option that include
compound existing traffic conditions
raise new safety concerns given the number of students that walk to school
loss of open space and recreation space.
parking challenges
More details can be found on http://glencarlyn.org/issues/gca_issues_info_files/Page296.htm .
I share many of these concerns and also would like to understand the impact of a third school on the two neighboring ones.I invite you to follow the discussions as Carlin Springs/Kenmore are our neighborhood schools and this decision will impact families and residents of CHW.
There are a number of meetings planned to provide information to the various communities including parents of students and those living in the neighborhoods near the construction. Below is a list of upcoming meeting setup to provide information (and discussion) on the likely construction of a new school on Kenmore / Carlin Springs Elementary Site
Thank you,
Lilly Mancilla
Columbia Heights West Civic Association
Tuesday, May 8 7 PM - Kenmore PTA is hosting a meeting in the Kenmore library, second floor. Speakers will be Allison Denton and John Chadwick who will describe the Capacity Planning Process which includes how the number additional classrooms needed was determined and the way specific locations have been identified. Kenmore has invited all parents of existing or rising students. They have extended an invitation to others who will be effected by the additional of a new school to attend to learn about the Capacity Planning process. The questions and discussion which will follow will be limited to parents with students (see below for neighborhood concerns).
Neighborhood Impact Meetings (TBD) - Glencarlyn, Forest Glen, Columbia Heights West, Boulevard Manor, Bluemont and Arlington Forest are all directly effected, albeit in differing degrees, by the potential construction of a new school on the Kenmore / Carlin Springs site. Glencarlyn has taken the lead in organizing neighborhood impact discussions with the school (and county) staff to identify the issues and attempt to develop acceptable solutions before a final decision is made on the locating a school on that site. Key topics are traffic, safety, parking and loss of green space. Informtion on those meeting will go to the interested civic associations for distribution as soon as they are scheduled. PTA representatives of the three existing schools will be welcome to insure their concerns are addressed.
Wednesday April 25, 7:30 - 9:00 pm - The School Board has a work session at the Kenmore Middle School, Black Box Theater. No public comments are allowed at this session. You will be able to hear the staff presenting further analysis of Option Set D (which includes a school at the Kenmore / Carlin Springs site) and information on construction planned in the 6 - 10 year period which will include secondary school capacity needs.
Wednesday, May 2 7:00 - 8:30pm The Schools are planning another Community Update on the Capacity Planning at the School Board Meeting Room in the Education Center which will cover the material from the April 25 work session. This will cover all capital improvement projects. Public questions and comments will be permitted.
APS has a webpage with information on the process http://www.arlington.k12.va.us/capacity