Paying Arlington County Real Estate Taxes
Post date: Sep 28, 2013 12:36:04 PM
There are many options that the County Treasurer's office offers to
facilitate paying the amount due on time.
Automatic debit is available, many places will accept payments, monthly
installment plans can be set up as well.
I don't know any details on this, but the Treasurer's office notes the
availability of pre-approved short term loans to cover tax bills. it is
called TAP and details are on the County Treasurer's web site. It appears
to be lower cost than just paying late and being subject to BOTH the 10%
late fee plus interest.
Finally, for those over 65, there is a "Real Estate Tax Relief Program"
where homeowners may qualify for reduction or deferral of payment of real
estate taxes, depending on assets (not counting home value) and income. The
details are here:
Specifically, the asset max (for relief), not counting home value, is
$340,000 for relief and $540,000 for deferral. This is the income and
relief matrix (make sure to see all the fine print at the web site) : The
percent of taxes exempted depends on income:.
One or two person household:
$0-$55,953 Full exemption
$55,954-$68,387 50% exemption
$68,388- $99,472 25% exemption
Three person household:
$0-$62,667 Full exemption
$62,668-$76,593 50% exemption
$76,594-$99,472 25% exemption
Four person household:
$0-$69,560 Full exemption
$69,561-85,018 50% exemption
$85,019-$99,472 25% exemption
The amount not exempted may be deferred (see web site for all the details).
If you know of anyone who might be assisted by any of this information,
please pass it along to them.