New list-serv for South Arlington Mom & Dads

Post date: Oct 11, 2011 7:22:09 PM

Hi everyone!

We are starting a new list-serv for moms (and dads!) living in south Arlington - MosA for short.

We know that there are other parent list-servs in the area: some neighborhood based, some style-of-parenting based, some just for social events etc., but thought there was room for one more that had broad parameters (and no member fees). We are not trying to replace any of these existing list-servs or mommy groups, just supplement what's already out there. We envision this as a place that moms and dads can go to ask questions, recommend pediatricians, look for and suggest nannies or babysitters, give a shout-out for a fun kid event, kvetch, sell or give away baby items (etc.) and, perhaps most important, offer support. We hope this to be a catch-all for 'anything parent'. We welcome the diversity in this area and value the different backgrounds, philosophies, and ages of parents (and children)!

If you're interested in joining, please send an email to with your name and street name/zipcode (22202, 22204, 22206) in the 'comment to the owner' box. Since we don't want a lot of spam, for now we are going to approve each request individually...

With kind regards,

Melissa and Thomas

5th and Fenwick