Nature and History Programs for April 2014
Post date: Mar 9, 2014 4:56:44 PM
Arlington County Dept. of Parks and Recreation
To register:
Phone: 703-228-4747
Tiny Tot
Ages: 18 - 35 months with adult. Tiny Tot programs provide a wonderful opportunity to interact one-on-one with your child while discovering the wonders of nature. Each program has a theme, but themes are not published ahead of time so that we have flexibility in exploring and incorporating all of the amazing and changeable aspects of the park and its wildlife into our programs. The theme for each program is repeated during the month, so please register for only one program at each nature center per month. Adults must remain during the entire program. $5 per child due at registration.
Gulf Branch Nature Center
Tuesday, Apr. 1
10:00 - 10:45 AM #632814-D
Wednesday, Apr. 2
10:00 - 10:45 AM #632814-E
Friday, Apr. 4
10:00 - 10:45 AM #632814-F
Long Branch Nature Center
Thursday, Apr. 10
10:00 - 10:45 AM #632914-D
Friday, Apr. 11
10:00 - 10:45 AM #632914-E
Saturday, Apr. 12
10:30 - 11:15 AM #632914-F
For children 3-5. Highly interactive nature programs where your child will participate as part of a group. Parents must remain on site, but those with younger siblings may visit the rest of the building during the program.
Gulf Branch Nature Center
Critter Communication
Wednesday, Apr. 2
1:00 - 2:00 PM #632814-N
Friday, Apr. 4
1:00 - 2:00 PM #632814-O
Wednesday, Apr. 9
1:00 - 2:00 PM #632814-P
Thursday, Apr. 10
1:00 - 2:00 PM #632814-Q
Long Branch Nature Center
Winging It
Tuesday, Apr. 15
10:30 - 11:30 AM #632914-O
Thursday, Apr. 17
10:30 - 11:30 AM #632914-P
Friday, Apr. 18
10:30 - 11:30 AM #632914-Q
Saturday, Apr. 19
10:00 - 11:00 AM #632914-R
Adult Bird Walk
Wednesday, Apr. 2, 8:30 - 11:00 AM
Adults. Join members of the Northern Virginia Bird Club for an informal walk through Long Branch and Glencarlyn Parks in search of resident and migratory birds. Experienced and beginning birders welcome. Bring binoculars and field guides. For more information call 703-228-6535. Meet at the parking lot at Long Branch Nature Center, 625 S. Carlin Springs Rd., Arlington, VA 22204.
Program #632944-B
Gemstone Club-Diamond
Wednesday, Apr. 2, 4:00 - 5:00 PM Program #632824-C
Saturday, Apr. 5, 10:30 - 11:30 AM Program #632824-D
Ages 7 - 11. Register child only. Budding geologists and gem lovers are invited to join us for a year's worth of fun and collecting at the Gemstone Club. Attend one or all of the sessions; we meet once each month. We will learn about birthstones and the alternate stones for each month. There will be polished gems and uncut crystals to examine, and we will find out about the geology, mining, legends, and literature for each gem. All participants will take home a beautiful gemstone in a protective display box. Collect a year's worth of gems, as well as an attractive color photo card to go with each month's birthstone. For more information: 703-228-3403. Meet at Gulf Branch Nature Center.
$12 fee due upon registraton
Campfire: Frogs and Toads
Friday, Apr. 4, 6:30 - 7:30 PM
Families. Early spring is prime time for frogs and toads. Find out what they eat, who eats them, how they protect themselves, what their eggs and young look like, how to tell the frogs from the toads, and more. We’ll also learn to talk some frog and go down to listen in on the conversation at the pond.The whole family is invited to join us at the fire ring for lots of old-fashioned fun. This engaging program will be filled with entertaining activities, which may include stories, special animal guests, games, songs and of course, treats like s’mores. Register adults and children; children must be accompanied by a registered adult. Information: 703-228-6535. Meet at LBNC. Meet at LBNC.
$5 fee due upon registration.
Program #632954-B
Civil War Spies and Their Trade
Saturday, Apr. 5, 9:30 - 11:00 AM
Spying during the Civil War was common on both sides. Both men and women functioned as spies and provided crucial information to the war effort. Learn about some basic ciphers, codes, and surprising ways to transport secret information. We will have time to encode our own secret messages to take home and stump your parents. For more information, call: 703-228-3403. At FCFS.
$7 fee due upon registration.
Program #632724-A
Campfire: Raccoon, Raccoon under the Moon
Saturday, Apr. 5, 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Families.The "masked bandit" is one of Arlington's most visible and interesting wild creatures - clever, resourceful and very far-ranging in its late-night travels. We learn about the racoon's habits and the many stories and nicknames its behaviors have inspired. The whole family is invited to join us at the fire ring for lots of old-fashioned fun. This engaging program will be filled with entertaining activities, which may include stories, special animal guests, games, songs and of course, treats like s’mores. Register adults and children; children must be accompanied by a registered adult. Information: 703-228-6535. Meet at LBNC.
$5 fee due upon registration.
Program #632954-C
Annual Potomac River Clean Up - Gulf Branch
Sunday, Apr. 6, 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Adults, families and teens. No registration required. The 25th Annual Potomac Watershed Cleanup involves more than 500 sites across the area. The river provides 480 million gallons of drinking water to the DC metro area. Improve Arlington's part of the Potomac by taking out the trash! We’ll supply bags and gloves; you supply the spring cleaning spirit! Free. Information: 703-228-3403. Meet at Gulf Branch Nature Center, 3608 Military Rd, Arlington VA 22207
Call to register. Please reference program #-
Frog Watch USA – National Zoo DC Chapter
Sunday, Apr. 6, 3:00 - 6:00 PM
FrogWatch is a citizen science program through the Association of Zoos and Aquariums that tracks frog populations throughout the United States. Sign up for one of these indoor trainings that help orient people with the frogs that are in the DC-metro area and their calls. The ultimate goal is to have volunteers monitor a site that’s easily accessible to observe the frogs that are calling throughout the spring and summer months. For more information or to register contact Matt Neff: Training locations TBD.
Call to register. Please reference program #-
Wily Women: Surprising Civil War Spies
Wednesday, Apr. 9, 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Many don’t know the integral role that women played during the Civil War as spies. Women for both sides of the war were purveyors of valuable secrets and strategic information. Find out about some well-known local women of Northern Virginia who risked their lives to further their beliefs and aid in the war effort. Some of that espionage played out right here in Arlington. Come hear their fascinating stories! For more information, call: 703-228-3403. At FCFS.
$5 fee due upon registration.
Program #632744-A
Eggcellent Campfire
Friday, Apr. 11, 6:30 - 7:30 PM
All ages. Chickens aren't the only ones! The whole family is invited to join us at the Gulf Branch fire ring for lots of old fashioned fun as we learn all about all kinds of amazing eggs. This engaging program will be filled with entertaining activities, which may include stories, games, and of course, treats like s’mores. Register adults and children; children must be accompanied by a registered adult. Information: 703-228-3403. Meet at Gulf Branch Nature Center, 3608 Military Rd., Arlington, VA 22207.
$5 fee per person
Program #632854-C
Egg-cellent Egg-spedition
Saturday, Apr. 12, 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Children ages 6 - 11. Spring is in full swing! The birds are singing and laying eggs, but they aren't the only ones. We'll hike the park to see how many eggs and nests we can find, and meet some other critters that lay eggs, too! For more information: 703-228-3403. Meet at Gulf Branch Nature Center, 3608 Military Road, Arlington, VA 22207
$5 fee due upon registration.
Program #632824-L
Spring Wildflowers at Turkey Run
Saturday, Apr. 12, 1:00 - 3:30 PM
Teens and adults. Come stroll among Virginia Bluebells, Spring Beauties, Golden Ragwort and many others. These flowers flaunt their petals and leaves early, in order to gather the rays of sun before the trees' leaves shade them out. They pollinate and disappear in a matter of weeks or days. It's quite a splendor after a long gray winter! Our hike over occasionally rough and possibly muddy terrain will cover about 3 miles. Participants should dress for the weather. For more information call 703-228-3403. We will meet at Turkey Run Park.
$7 fee due upon registration.
Program #632844-D
Notable Nature: Stories and Sketches
Sunday, Apr. 13, 2:00 - 3:30 PM
Families. The whole family is invited to join us at long Branch for a lesson in nature journaling. We'll begin by constructing our own nature journal and listen to stories about spring just below the surface. We'll also take a walk outside looking for some of the ever-changing signs of spring to sketch in our journals. Information: 703-228-6535. Meet at LBNC.
Program #632954-L
Second Sundays - Remove Invasive Plants!
Sunday, Apr. 13, 2:00 - 4:30 PM
Adults, families, and teens. Keep the park free of destructive invasive plants. Work parties are held every month and are making a real difference. We are starting to see the return of wildflowers in areas once covered in ivy. Join us! Maybe you'll want to adopt an area of your own! No registration required. Free. Information: 703-228-3403. Meet at Gulf Branch Nature Center, 3608 Military Rd, Arlington, VA 22207.
First Child in the Woods (Spring Break Camp)
Monday, 4/14/2014 9:00 AM - Friday, 4/18/2014 1:00 PM
Ages 6 - 10. Register child only. Camp meets Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM daily. Every day great activities, crafts and hands-on encounters with animals will be balanced with unstructured time that kids can call their own. Your child will love this chance to explore our woods, make mudpies, catch tadpoles, and more. Information: 703-228-3403. Meet at Gulf Branch Nature Center.
$200 fee due upon registration. Registration deadline: April 3, 2014.
Program #632824-H
Spring Herp Hunt
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 3:00 - 4:00 PM
Ages 6 to 10. We’ll search Long Branch’s ponds, streams and woods for salamanders, frogs, toads, snakes and turtles. Be ready for a creek walkin’, rock flippin’, log rollin’ good time as we find out which herps are back in action after winter. Information: 703-228-6535. At LBNC.
$5 fee due upon registration.
Program #632924-H
Frogs Storytime
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 10:30 - 11:15 AM
Ages 2-10. Register child only. Hop on over to Long Branch for stories and songs all about frogs, toads and friends. For information: 703-228-6535. Meet at Long Branch Nature Center, 625 S. Carlin Springs Rd., Arlington, VA 22204.
Program #632924-B
Earth Day Invasive Pull
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2:00 - 4:00 PM
Ages 7-Adult. Celebrate Earth Day by fighting invasive plants. Kids and adults will learn what these trouble-some beasts look like and can help rescue the park from these alien invaders! We will put our gloves in the mud as we tackle some problem areas in the park. Bring water and wear long sleeves, pants, and closed-toed shoes. Gloves will be provided. Rain or Shine. Registration required. Information: 703-228-6535. Meet at Long Branch Nature Center.
Program #632954-U
Peeper Prowl
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 7:00 - 8:00 PM Program #632954-I
Saturday, Apr. 26, 7:00 - 8:00 PM Program #632954-J
Families with children ages 5 and up. Hop on over and join the fun as we learn about and search for these tiny tree frogs and other amphibians. Register children and adults; children must be accompanied by a registered adult. Information: 703-228-6535. Meet at LBNC.
$5 fee per person due at registration.
Spring Wildflowers Hike
Thursday, Apr. 17, 3:00 - 4:30 PM
Families with children 8 and up. Well hike the hills and dales of Long Branch and Glen Carlyn for in search for the spring ephemerals before they're gone for the season! Probable appearances from Bloodroot, Spring Beauties, and Golden Ragwort, among many others. These flowers flaunt their petals and leaves early, in order to gather the rays of sun before the trees' leaves shade them out. They pollinate and disappear in a matter of weeks or days. It's quite a splendor after a long gray winter! Our hike over occasionally rough and possibly muddy terrain will cover about 2 miles. Participants should dress for the weather. For more information call 703-228-3403. Meet at LBNC.
$7 fee due upon registration.
Program #632954-S
Sillly Songs and Stories Campfire
Friday, Apr. 18, 6:00 - 7:00 PM
All ages. Register adults and children; children must be accompanied by a registered adult. The whole family is invited to join us at the fire ring for lots of old-fashioned fun. This engaging program will be filled with entertaining activities, which may include stories, special animal guests, games, songs and of course, treats like s’mores. Information: 703-228-6535. Meet at LBNC.
$5 fee due upon registration.
Program #632954-D
Saturday, Apr. 19, 3:00 - 4:00 PM
Families, ages 7 and up. Discover the fascinating thing that is venom. Learn the different ways venom works and how snakes use venom to catch their prey. Afterwards we will go out and try to find some non-venomous snakes throughout our park. Register both children and adults, children must be accompanied by a registered adult. Information: 703-228-6535. Meet at LBNC.
$5 fee due upon registration.
Program #632954-P
Third Sundays - Remove Invasives!
Sunday, Apr. 20, 2:00 - 5:00 PM
Ages 9-Adult. Not all plants are good for the environment. Kids and adults will learn what these trouble-some beasts look like and can help rescue the park from these alien invaders! No registration required. Information: 703-228-6535. Meet at Long Branch Nature Center, 625 S. Carlin Springs Rd, Arlington, VA 22204.
Frog Watch USA – National Zoo DC Chapter
Sunday, Apr. 20, 3:00 - 6:00 PM
FrogWatch is a citizen science program through the Association of Zoos and Aquariums that tracks frog populations throughout the United States. An indoor training helps orient people with the frogs that are in the DC-metro area and their calls. The ultimate goal is to have volunteers monitor a site that’s easily accessible to observe the frogs that are calling throughout the spring and summer months. For more information or to register contact Matt Neff: Training locations TBD.
Call to register. Please reference program #-
Woodland Adventure
Wednesday, Apr. 23, 3:00 - 5:00 PM
Ages 7 – 10. Take a long ramble through the woods in Glencarlyn Park with a naturalist just to see what we can find. Will it be a box turtle or a rat snake, caterpillars or beetles, birds from South America or a hawk that lives here all year…who knows what we’ll see? Parents may drop off participants. Information: 703-228-6535. Meet at LBNC.
$7 fee due upon registration.
Program #632924-I
Migratory Songbird Walk
Saturday, Apr. 26, 7:00 - 9:30 AM
Adults and Teens. Glencarlyn Park serves as an urban stopover for a wide variety of migratory songbirds. Join us as we search for the woods for warblers, thrushes, Scarlet Tanagers, Indigo Buntings, and others. Along the way our leader will share birding and identification tips. Beginner birders are welcome! Call 703-228-6535 for more information. Meet at LBNC.
$10 fee due upon registration.
Program #632944-I
The Hard Facts about Rocks and Minerals
Saturday, Apr. 26, 10:30 - 11:30 AM
Ages 6 – 9. What makes a rock a rock and just what is a mineral anyway? We’ll cover the three main types of rocks, understand the difference between rocks and minerals, and examine samples of different rocks and minerals. Then it’s off to the creek to hunt for rocks and minerals…and maybe a fossil or two! Participants should wear boots for walking in the creek. Information: 703-228-6535. Meet at LBNC.
$5 fee due upon registration.
Program #632924-J
Spring Plant Sale
Saturday, Apr. 26, 1:00 - 5:00 PM
Adults. Join us for our highly anticipated native plant sale! The vast majority of our plants are propagated on site. There will be a variety of spring and summer bloomers along with ferns, vines and shrubs. Cardboard boxes will be provided for transporting your new purchases. Rain date: Sunday, April 27, 1-5pm. Payment can be made by cash or check (sorry, no credit cards). Plant advice is free, fee per plant as marked. Information: 703-228-6535. Meet at Long Branch Nature Center, 625 S. Carlin Springs Rd., Arlington, VA 22204.
Fee per plant as marked.
See, Hear, Sketch: Deer Antlers
Sunday, Apr. 27, 1:00 - 2:30 PM
Kids ages 8 and up. Register child only. The antlers of the White-tailed deer are made up of a series of curves and points, and they are fun to draw. Come learn about how deer grow and use their beautiful head ornaments! Basic drawing materials will be provided, but please feel free to bring your own sketchbooks or pencils. Note: This program is intended for older children and is not suitable for those under the age of 8. For information: 703-228-3403. Meet at Gulf Branch Nature Center.
$7 fee due upon registration.
Program #632824-I
Editors' contact:
Cliff Fairweather
Park Naturalist
Long Branch Nature Center
625 S. Carlin Springs Rd.
Arlington, VA 22204