Fall schedule for Agriculture and Gardening programming.

Post date: Aug 31, 2011 4:45:20 PM


* September 10 Fall Lawn Care Arlington Central Library 1:00 -

3:00pm Public Education by Master Gardeners of Northern VA FREE for more

information and to pre-register call the VCE Horticulture Help Desk at 702

228 6414 contact by email at mgarlalex@vt.edu

* September 12 Fall Lawn Care Alexandria Duncan Library 7:00 -

9:00pm Public Education by Master Gardeners of Northern VA FREE for more

information and to pre-register call the VCE Horticulture Help Desk at 702

228 6414 or contact by email at <mailto:mgarlalex@vt.edu> mgarlalex@vt.edu

* September 16 Grow Eat Learn Workshop #2 "Patterns and Tools for

Success" a Brown bag Lunch workshop for building connections and

sustainability in the edible schoolyard and community gardens. Registration

at 8:30 Programs 9:15 am - 2:30 pm Major sponsors: Virginia Cooperative

Extension, Arlington Extension Leadership Council, Arlington Food

assistance Center, Alexandria Public Schools, Arlington Public Schools, NOVA

Outside, Arlingtonians for A Clean Environment, and Arlington County and

City of Alexandria Recreation and Parks Departments. Cost $5.00. Bring

your own lunch; coffee and drinks will be provided. 37 spaces: To

Pre-Register call the VCE VCE ANR Help Desk at 703 228 6414 or via email at


* September 17 Canning Class Fairlington Community Center, 3308 S

Stafford Street, 12:00-4:00 Back by popular demand, come learn how to make

the most of the season's bounty by preserving ripe produce to enjoy in the

winter months. We'll be pickling mixed vegetables and canning apple sauce.

Everyone will get a jar of each to take home. Cost: $25. To register,

contact Jennifer Abel: <mailto:jabel@vt.edu> jabel@vt.edu.

* September 22 Capitol Region Invasive Pests Symposia: Starker E.

Wright, USDA Research Scientist will be guest speaker focusing on Brown

Marmorated Stink Bugs for this program that will feature shared reports from

regional natural resource professionals on invasive pest control efforts in

Northern VA. 10:00am - 1:00pm Fairlington Community Building Rm 118 For

more info or to pre-register call the VCE Help Desk at 703 228 6414 or Jack

Baggett, Dept. Environmental Services, Urban Forest Div. Fairfax County 703

324 5542 or email at john.baggett@fairfaxcounty.gov

* September 25 Autumnfest 10 am to 3 pm. Glen Carlyn Library

Demonstration Garden Located at the corner of S. Third and S. Kensington

Streets off Carlin Springs Road will be the site of Master Gardener led

tours and end of season celebration. The garden is home to several hundred

sun and shade perennials (many of which are native plants), over 35

varieties of trees, shrubs, and vines, many bulbs, herbs and medicinals, and

an exotics garden. For more info contact the VCE ANR Help Desk at

<mailto:mgarlalex@vt.edu> mgarlalex@vt.edu or by calling 703 228 6414


* October 1 Open House at the Sunny and Shady Master Gardener

Demonstration Gardens- Bonair Park Wilson Blvd. at North Lexington Street

between Ballston and Seven Corners: 9-11 am Master Gardeners will be your

tour guides for today's demonstrations showcasing the fall season in the

Flower Garden. TWO distinct gardens in one location! Refreshments are

provided and attendance is open to the public and free of charge! No

registration required. For more info contact the VCE ANR Help Desk at

mgarlalex@vt.edu or by calling 703 228 6414

* October 1 Kick Off Event for Local Foods Local Chefs: Whole Foods

Market 2700 Wilson Blvd. 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Free. Meet Diane A Welland

author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Eating Local For more information

and a complete list of participating restaurants go to

<http://www.arlingtonva.us/> www.Arlingtonva.us Keyword Local Foods

* October 2 Annual Taste and Tour of the Master Gardener Organic

Vegetable Demonstration Garden at Potomac Overlook Regional Park 1:30 - 3:30

2845 N Marcey Rd Arlington, VA 22207 (703) 528-5406 Marcy Rd. Arlington

VA. 222 Demonstrations on composting, structures to extend your season,

fall crops, and putting the garden to bed. For more info contact the

Horticulture Help Desk at 702 228 6414 or via email at mgarlalex@vt.edu

* October 5 Sustainable Urban Agriculture Lecture Series: Growing-

and Eating- the Superfoods Extension Agents Kirsten Buhls ANR, and Jennifer

Abel, FCS will share a program that will talk about how to grow and

prepare the food plants with the highest nutrition and anti-oxidant values

and making your space in the garden count for more. 6:30-8:30 at the

Arlington Central Library. For more info contact the Horticulture Help Desk

at 702 228 6414

* October 8 Composting Fall Leaves in Alexandria Fairlington

Community Center 10:00 am -12 noon A Master Gardeners of Northern VA led

program Free for more information and to pre-register contact the

Horticulture Help Desk at 703 228 6414 or via email at mgarlalex@vt.edu

* October 12 Composting Fall Leaves in Arlington Arlington Central

Library 6:30 - 8:30 A Master Gardeners of Northern VA led program Free

for more information and to pre-register contact the Horticulture Help Desk

at 703 228 6414 or via email at mgarlalex@vt.edu

* October 18 Building Communities Through Gardening: A workshop for

Community Organizations Interested in Community Garden Development

Fairlington Community Building 8:30 - 12:00 noon. Co sponsors: Virginia

Cooperative Extension and the Childhood Obesity Action Network. No Charge.

Pre-Registration is encouraged: For info contact the VCE ANR Help Desk at

<mailto:mgarlalex@vt.edu> mgarlalex@vt.edu or by calling 703 228 6414

* October 20 Urban Hen Keeping Sustainable Urban Agriculture Lecture

Series Speaker Pat Foresman author of City Chicks will talk about her

experiences assisting communities across Virginia with writing chicken

keeping ordinances. 7pm - 9 pm Rm 118 Fairlington Community Center

Sponsored jointly by VCE and the Arlington Egg Project For more information

or to pre-register, contact the VCE ANR Help Desk at mgarlalex@vt.edu or by

calling 703 228 6414 Autographed books will be available for purchase!

* October 22 Master Gardener Demonstration Garden Open house in the

Alexandria Simpson Gardens 426 East Monroe Avenue, Alexandria 2:30 to

4:30 p.m. Master Gardeners will guide visitors and offer workshops on garden

design and preparing your garden for the winter and spring. For more info

contact the VCE ANR Help Desk at mgarlalex@vt.edu or by calling 703 228



* November 9 Feed Your Soil, Feed Yourself: How to Compost your yard

and kitchen wastes to increase your yield, make your plants and vegetables

more disease resistant, and improve the water retaining capacity of the soil

Fairlington Community Building 7:00 - 8:30 For more information or to

pre-register, contact the VCE ANR Help Desk at <mailto:mgarlalex@vt.edu>

mgarlalex@vt.edu or by calling 703 228 6414

* November 10 Sustainable Urban Agriculture Lecture Series Vertical

Wall Garden installation and Roof Top Vegetables. Some new ideas on space

saving, run off retaining, energy conserving, gardening practices for urban

dwellers. 7-9 Fairlington Community Center. For more information or to

pre-register, contact the VCE ANR Help Desk at mgarlalex@vt.edu or by

calling 703 228 6414


Kirsten Conrad Buhls

Agriculture Natural Resources Extension Agent

Virginia Cooperative Extension

3308 S Stafford St.

Arlington VA 22206

703 228 6423
