Columbia Pike Transportation Update
Post date: Dec 1, 2017 12:12:54 AM
Starting in 2018: Construction on west end Columbia Pike street improvements
Arlington County is moving forward on its next phase of Columbia Pike street improvements, part of a multimodal project that is making the Pike a safer, more accessible route for all users.
At its Nov. 18 meeting, the County Board approved a $14.6 million contract for construction of utility undergrounding and street improvements between the Four Mile Run Bridge and South Jefferson Street, a roughly half-mile stretch that ends near the Arlington/Fairfax County line.
Extensive work will first occur below the roadway – to replace aging and leak-prone water and sewer pipes and to bury existing overhead utilities underground.
Then construction will begin on street improvements including a five-lane street cross-section (with either a center left-turn lane or landscaped median), wider sidewalks, new street lights, enhanced pedestrian crossings and street trees.
This will be the third segment of Columbia Pike to see these improvements implemented. Two segments – between South Wakefield Street and Four Mile Run, and between South Garfield and South Oakland Streets – have already been constructed.
Construction on the west end segment is expected to begin in early 2018 and will last approximately three years. As the start of work approaches, more details on construction timelines and phases will be shared through this email update and on the project page.
Washington Gas night work wrapping up in December
Washington Gas’s contractor, Northern Pipeline (NPL), anticipates completing their night work at west end Columbia Pike intersections next month.
NPL will begin work at the final intersection - Columbia Pike and South Dinwiddie Street- on or about Dec. 4. Work at this intersection is expected to last approximately one month.
This is part of Washington Gas’ effort to move their in-street gas main, which must be relocated before the County begins construction on utility undergrounding and street improvements along this section of Columbia Pike.
Upon completion of all intersection work, NPL will begin changing over gas service to the affected properties. Property owners will be contacted in advance of these service changeovers.