Columbia Pike Pavement Repairs
Post date: Sep 28, 2011 7:18:35 PM
Thank you for your patience as Arlington County continues working to revitalize and improve Columbia Pike.
Pavement Repairs
Road repairs are underway along Columbia Pike. The excessive heat and rain this summer combined with construction and regular bus traffic have taken a toll on the Pike. Over the next few weeks crews will be assessing trouble spots, patching and making improvements. You can help by reporting a pothole or area of road that needs attention. Visit and search “Potholes” for the reporting form or call 703-228-6570.
The County is investing in the Columbia Pike community with the Columbia Pike Revitalization Plan - a comprehensive, multi-year effort involving numerous projects. Arlington is working to create an easily accessible and pedestrian-friendly “Main Street” environment in the Columbia Pike corridor as part of the Revitalization Plan. As one of Arlington’s major transit corridors and most vibrant neighborhoods, Columbia Pike is a County priority.
For more information on the Revitalization Plan, visit, and search “Columbia Pike Revitalization”.
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