Celebrate Arlington in the Movies This Weekend!
Post date: Jun 18, 2010 1:56:48 PM
The Hollywood Comes to Arlington: Arlington Goes to Hollywood free film series begins tomorrow! Pack a picnic and bring the family to check out GREAT FLICKS featuring Arlington the location or former Arlingtonians!
Friday, June 18: Rob Farr’s Hollywood Tour of Arlington
From the Wright brothers’ 1908 demonstration of air flight at Fort Myer to 2009’s State of Play filmed in the Rosslyn Metro station and Crystal City, former Arlington Film Commissioner and movie buff Rob Farr will open the film series with a survey of movies and TV shows that have filmed scenes at Arlington’s tourist attractions, military sites and residential areas. Using film clips, photographs and even old movie footage made in the 1940’s and 50’s, Rob will present a tour of Arlington as seen through the eyes of Hollywood producers in ways both novel and creative.
Saturday, June 19: The Blind Side
Check out this movie starring former Arlingtonian and Oscar winner Sandra Bullock! (Film is rated PG.)
Both programs begin at dusk (approximately 8:30pm) at Lubber Run Amphitheatre, Columbus and N. 2nd Streets. (Rain cancellation information: 703-228-1850)
This FREE film series runs Friday and Saturday nights to July 24.
Check out the full schedule below!
Event Details | Arlington Arts > Sunset & Arlington Boulevards
Thank you,
Gretchen Walsh
Marketing Publications and Special Events Coordinator