3rd District Monthly Crime Report
Post date: Oct 4, 2015 10:48:50 PM
Third District Monthly Crime Report and Newsletter
September 1st through September 30th , 2015
Significant Incidents:
ARMED ROBBERY, 150905004, 5900 block of S. Arlington Boulevard. At approximately 12:40 a.m. on September 5, a 53 year-old male victim sustained a stab wound to his chest and a facial laceration when he intervened during a robbery of a female victim’s purse. The 48 year-old female victim sustained a laceration to her hand in the robbery as well. They were both transported to Fairfax Hospital for their injuries. The first suspect is described as a Hispanic male, approximately 5’4” tall, and wearing a black t-shirt and dark pants. The second suspect is described as a Hispanic male, approximately 5’6” tall, and wearing a black t-shirt and dark pants. The investigation is ongoing and it should be noted this is an isolated incident with no other similar crimes in the area.
MALICIOUS WOUNDING, 150906032, 2400 block of S. Oakland Street. At approximately 9:10 p.m. on September 6, following an argument a 50 year-old male victim was punched in the face and transported to the hospital for stitches. The suspect was arrested and charged with malicious wounding. He was held without bond.
BURGLARY, 150908024, 2300 block of S. 25th Street. At approximately 1:00 a.m. On September 8, a known subject forced entry into a residence and caused damage. The suspect was identified and arrested. He was charged with burglary and domestic assault and battery. He was held without bond.
BURGLARY, 150907040, 2400 block of S. 24th Road. Between 3:30 p.m. and 4:40 p.m. on September 7, an unknown subject(s) entered a residence and stole several items to include a diamond ring, MacBook pro, and an Apple iPad. There is no suspect(s) description.
LARCENY FROM AUTO (series), 150906028, 3400 block of S. Utah Street. Between 5:30 p.m. on September 7 and 8:30 a.m. on September 8, an unknown subject(s) entered several vehicles in a several block radius and stole numerous items. Additionally 1 vehicle was stolen. Approximately two days later the suspects were identified, arrested, and charged with several counts of Grand Larceny. The stolen vehicle and other items were recovered and returned to the owners.
MALICIOUS WOUNDING, 150914067, 5600 block of S. 7th Street. At approximately 10:10 p.m. on September 14th, a 70 year-old male victim suffered a severe laceration to his ankle when a known female subject threw a plate at him. The victim was transported to the Virginia Hospital Center where he received several stitches to his ankle. The suspect was arrested and charged with malicious wounding. She was held without bond.
BREAKING AND ENTERING, 150910059, 4200 block of S. 35th Street. Between 8:30 a.m. and 6:19 p.m. on September 10, and unknown subject(s) forced entry into a residence and stole a MacBook Pro laptop and an Apple IPad. There is no suspect(s) description.
LARCENY FROM AUTO (series), 150914012, 3700 block of S. Kemper Road. Between 7:00 p.m. on September 13 and 9:00 a.m. on September 14, an unknown subject(s) entered at least seven vehicles in a several block radius and stole numerous items. There is no suspect(s) description.
MALICIOUS WOUNDING BY MOB, 150919001, 2900 block of S. 18th Street. At approximately 11:43 p.m. on September 18, a group of 5-10 people forced entry into a residence and attacked a 29 year-old male victim with a metal bat. The victim was transported to Virginia Hospital Center and refused treatment. The suspects were located, arrested and charged with malicious wounding by mob, robbery, and conspiracy to commit robbery.
BURGLARY, 150922036, 4900 block of Columbia Pike. Between 10:00 a.m. and 2:10 pm on September 22, unknown suspect(s) entered the residence and stole electronics. There were no signs of forced entry.
ROBBERY, 150923020, 4100 block of S. Four Mile Run Drive. At approximately 10:39 p.m. on September 22, an unknown male subject assaulted and robbed a 19 year-old male victim of his shoes and phone. The suspect is described as a black male with dreadlocks, approximately 5’9” and weighed 180 lbs. The suspect was accompanied by another black male that was wearing a red motorcycle helmet.
09/04/25, VA 823838, 2009 Suzuki, Silver/Black
1700 block of S. 26th Street
09/08/15, VA VFX8166, 2012 Honda Accord, Blue
3300 block of S. Stafford Street
09/15/15, VA 3079P, 2011 Honda Scooter, Black
2100 block of S. Oakland Street
09/17/15, VA XEF-4465, 2006 Acura, blue
3000 block of S. Randolph Street
09/18/15, VA 724TG, 2012 Kawasaki ZX10 Motorcycle, Green/Black
3000 block of S. Randolph Street
09/23/15, DE MP-1299, 2009 Honda Motorcycle, Gray
2800 block of S. Abingdon Street
09/24/15, MD 2BM3601, 2014 Hyundai Sonata, Silver
900 block of S. Columbus Street
Police Seek Assistance in Identifying Suspect Responsible for Hit & Run Involving a Two-Year Old Child
ARLINGTON, Va. -- The Arlington County Police Department’s Auto Crimes Unit is asking for the public’s assistance in identifying and locating a suspect involved in a hit and run incident of a two-year old child on August 30, 2015.
The suspect drove into the McDonald’s parking lot, located in the 3000 block of Columbia Pike, at approximately 7:04 p.m. and was captured on surveillance video striking a two-year old child. The suspect vehicle ran over top of the child and stopped so the victim’s family could pull him from underneath. The vehicle then sped off and the child was transported to Children’s Hospital with non-life threatening injuries.
The subject is described as a black male between 18-30 years old. He has green eyes and dreadlocks past the ears. At the time of the incident, he was wearing a white baseball hat with a black brim. The vehicle is described as a four door, silver-colored Cadillac sedan.
If anyone has information on the identity and/or whereabouts of this individual, please contact Detective Burgess of the Arlington County Police Department’s Auto Crimes Unit at 703.228.4618 or at dburge@arlingtonva.us. To report information anonymously, contact the Arlington County Crime Solvers at 866.411.TIPS (8477).
***** ATTENTION BUSINESS OWNERS: On October 1, 2015, businesses will be required to adopt EMV chip-and-sign technology when processing credit card transactions. If businesses fail to adopt this new technology, they may be liable for counterfeit, lost and stolen credit card transactions at their location. Below is an article from Arlington Now that helps explain some of these changes.
The County has made street lights a priority and are working with Dominion Power to replace/repair those that are broken. Please report and street light outages on the County’s web site at:
You will need to provide the exact location of the street light(s) and a pole number. A pole number typically begins with two letters. Some street lights are serviced by Dominion Virginia Power, while others are serviced by Arlington County. Arlington County poles are black with yellow text.
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Third District Team Members:
Captain Quigley aquigley@arlingtonva.us
Sergeant Washington dwashi@arlingtonva.us
Corporal Gomez sfgomez@arlingtonva.us
Officer Balderrama kbalderrama@arlingtonva.us
Officer Martins dmartins@aringtonva.us
Officer Manning bmanning@arlingtonva.us
To report suspicious activity, please call 703-558-2222.
For emergencies, call 911
To report an abandoned bicycle: 703-228-4057. You will need to describe the bicycle, note the address where the bicycle is located, and tell us how long the bike has been there.
To report an abandoned vehicle on a county street: (703) 228-4144.
To report a Street Light Outage: (703) 228-6570 or at. You will need to provide the exact location of the street light(s) and a pole number. A pole number typically begins with two letters. Some street lights are serviced by Dominion Virginia Power, while others are serviced by Arlington County. Arlington County poles are black with yellow text.
To report Graffiti on public or private property: 703-558-2222
Police reports can be made Online: